In a rare number of situations, the infection caused by the herpes simplex virus can spread to additional areas of the body. This happens on occasions where the sores/blisters get infected by germs or bacteria. It is important to remember not to scratch or rub affected areas and then touch other areas of your body. It is actually best not to bother the areas at all, but if you do remember to thoroughly wash your hands straightaway.

As a rule, people tend to think that the herpes simplex virus is much more serious than it really is which can cause emotional stress. In these circumstances it is recommended that you talk with a health professional. Seeking counsel can be very helpful for you and will increase your understanding about the nature of the virus. It is good to know that genital herpes cannot damage the uterus, nor will it cause infertility. Additionally the herpes virus is not a contributing factor to cervical cancer.

Testing for simplex herpes virus can be done easily by a doctor or nurse. They simply swab the area to get a sample of the blistered area to send to the laboratory for testing. Additional screenings can be done at the same time for other sexually transmitted diseases and most STD clinics allow you to maintain anonymity.

There are several treatments and tips that can help you to ease the pain of outbreaks as well as control them; you may read more about this on the Genital Herpes Treatment page.

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