Better2Know has been blogging about Gonorrhoea becoming resistant to antibiotics regularly.  In this new research in Medical News Today, there is further evidence that this STI is becoming untreatable.

There is a new strand of the sexually transmitted disease  (STD) gonorrhoea has been found to be antibiotic resistant, possibly rendering the disease incurable.

The strand was found in several North American patients, according to a new report in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Researchers examined the effectiveness of cefixime, the only oral cephalosporin antimicrobial that is advised for treatment of gonorrhoea infections. They found that this medicine had a failure rate of nearly seven percent for a group of patients treated in Toronto, Canada.

Although the new super-bug gonorrhoea is coming, Better2Know has yet to encounter it in any of its patients in the UK, who has always been treated.  We do recommend that if you test positive for gonorrhoea you get it treated quickly and you check that it has worked with a second gonorrhoea test.

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