Yesterday, drug manufacturers were locked in discussions with the US Food and Drug Administration to allow males be vaccinated against HPV in a bid to prevent the spread of the virus. The drug manufacturers argued that the HPV vaccine was not only highly beneficial to females, but would be effective and safe for males to use, as well as helping to prevent the disease from spreading.

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease in both the US and the UK and is the single biggest cause of cervical cancer in women. Recent surveys conducted in the US found the HPV, which also causes genital warts, was accountable for 70% of cervical cancer cases.

It is estimated that up to 25% of females aged between 9 and 26 in the US have already received the vaccine, which prevents types 16 and 18 HPV (most common cause of cervical cancer) and 2 types of HPB that cause genital warts.

Medical professionals are welcoming the news, with many of them believing that the vaccine should be given to both sexes. The side effects of giving the vaccine to males are said to be minimal, and will mostly be confined to soreness at the injection site.

Carolyn Moore from Planned Parenthood said that: “There are women who aren’t going to get it so if we can prevent men from spreading it, that would help a lot in preventing cervical cancer”.

Adding that, “Men and boys would receive the direct benefit of preventing genital warts for themselves as well”.

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