Public Health England collects all the NHS STI test results and publishes the overall results.  With Better2Know, your results are not included in this data, but they make interesting reading.  Here are the key points:

  • There were 450,000 STI diagnosis in England in 2014
  • Chlamydia is the most common STI – almost half of all STIs found
  • New Gonorrhoea infections rose by 15% on the previous year
  • New Syphilis infections rose by 9% from the previous year – this is the most common infection for MSM
  • More MSM came forward for rectal and throat testing than ever before
  • Around 110,000 people in the UK are HIV positive,and 26,100 do not know it
  • 13% of MSM in London are living with HIV
  • Lambeth in London has the highest rate of positive Gonorrhoea tests in the country
  • The Isles of Scilly had no positive Gonorrhoea tests

If you are worried about your sexual health, we are here to help you.  We will not report your results to anyone (your partner, your doctor or the person compiling these statistics). We will test you for whichever STIs you choose, and help you to get the treatment or referral that you need.  Please call us today to book your appointment.

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0207 099 0955

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