Summer. What’s not to love? No doubt the party holiday you’ve been waiting for all year is just around the corner. It’s the season to forget about all our worries, but that often means forgetting about important things, too. Condoms. Drinking responsibly. It’s all part of the fun and games. Packing safe sex essentials in your toiletry bag is the answer to avoiding some of the biggest problems a fun-filled summer clubbing holiday can bring.

Partying on a summer clubbing holiday
Prepare to have the time of your life

A summer clubbing holiday means endless partying, meeting new people, alcohol and very likely, sex! Whilst drunken nights often end in entertaining stories, much of the evening can be unmemorable, leaving you feeling puzzled and worried the next day. One way to avoid this is to prepare effectively. Pack your bag with every item that will help you to have a safe and enjoyable party holiday. Condoms are the right place to start.

Why should I use a condom?

Unprotected sex puts you at risk of both Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancy. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Whether your partner is male or female, if they prefer not to use a condom this could suggest that they have not used regular protection with their previous sexual partners. This may mean that you are at high risk of contracting an STI.

Don’t forget to use condoms for oral and anal sex. It is possible to catch some STIs in more areas of the body than you might first expect. Recent research has shown that a woman can contract Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea in her throat by giving oral sex to an infected man. So, not using a condom during oral sex on your party holiday can also spread STIs.

It is important to remember however, that condoms do not prevent the transmission of all STIs. Herpes, Syphilis and genital warts can be transmitted by skin-on-skin contact between two people. Men who have sex with men and women who have sex with women are also at risk of contracting STIs. Exchanging bodily fluids can pass an infection to another person, so it’s important to get tested after having sexual contact with any new partners.

“Condoms have been around for a long time with the first recorded use dating back to Egyptian times. Since then they have gone through quite the evolution from animal bladders and intestines to linen to polyurethane and rubber. One thing that hasn’t changed is the fact that condoms help prevent pregnancy and the spread of STIs. Make them a regular part of your sex life and enjoy more sex with fewer worries like others have been for the past 3000 years!”

Mike Asher – Founder of Better2Know

What are my options?

To spice up safe sex with your holiday lover, use ribbed condoms. Whilst providing protection, they also offer a little more excitement than regular condoms. What more could you ask for?

Flavours. You want flavours. Condoms exist in more flavours than you could ever imagine: Strawberry, Mint, Chocolate, Apple, Orange, Banana. Who said using condoms on a party holiday was boring? There’s a flavour for every occasion. Even more reason to use protection whilst away.

Flavoured condoms
Flavoured condoms are a must-have

What should I do if I forget to use a condom?

Remember to look after both your friends and lovers and be open with each other about how to stay safe, even on your summer clubbing holiday. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of using condoms every time you have sex. If you do have unprotected sex, you should arrange an STI test to check your sexual health status. Detecting STIs as early as possible is important to protect your health.

Better2Know can help you decide which tests are right for you and make all the necessary arrangements. A Full Screen tests you for seven of the most common STIs: HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma. If you are worried about STIs, please contact us. You can book an appointment with us online or by phoning our highly trained Sexual Health Advisors. Remember that when it comes to your Sexual Health, it’s always Better2Know!

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