Confidential HIV Test Leicester

Better2Know offer an anonymous, confidential, and discreet HIV testing service at our private clinics in Leicester. Our facilities are clean, Care Quality Commission approved, and modern. They have friendly, non-judgemental staff, who will assist you. so that your test is as easy as possible. We are supported by the Terrence Higgins Trust, the UK's leading sexual health charity, who can help you with any pre and post test counselling, if you would like it.

To book your appointment: you can call our booking team 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or request your appointment online.

The full range of tests we offer in Leicester are:

  • Rapid HIV Tests.  This test is suitable if it has been at least 26 days since any incident you are concered about.  Results take 20 minutes, while you wait.
  • HIV 28 Day DUO Test. Provides very accurate HIV testing results for possible exposures that occurred at least four weeks ago. Results are available the same day your sample is received in the laboratory. The HIV Duo test combines an HIV antibody and HIV antigen test.  This will to detect any HIV infection sooner than a traditional antibody only test.
  • HIV 10 Day PCR RNA Test. This test provides accurate HIV testing results for possible exposures that occurred at least ten days ago. While it is slightly less accurate than HIV DUO testing, it can give peace of mind earlier. It should be followed up at 28 days with a DUO test. The results for this HIV test take three working days from when the sample is received in the laboratory. This test is part of our Early Detection Screen.

How can you be infected with HIV?

You are at risk of exposure to HIV whenever an exchange of bodily fluids takes place, with someone who is HIV positive. Unprotected vaginal or anal penetrative sex with someone who is HIV positive is acommon method of transmission.  It is possible to become infected with HIV through oral sex, the risk, however, is substantially lower.

Sharing a needle or syringe with someone who already has HIV, or having sex with someone who does, puts you at high risk of exposure to the virus.

It is also possible for HIV to be transmitted through blood transfusions.  Most Western countries now routinely screen blood products, and this form of transmission is rare.

Signs and Symptoms of HIV

According to research carried out by the National Aids Trust, between 70% to 90% of those newly infected with HIV, can experience some of the following symptoms, between two and six weeks after initial exposure:

  • High fever
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Rash
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Diarrhoea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain

These symptoms are a sign that the body is trying to fight  an infection.  They are common in many illnesses. They are not a sign that you have HIV.  The only way to know if a person has HIV is to be tested for it.

The earlier you get tested, the better your prognosis.  With an early diagnosis, and appropriate treatment HIV is no longer the life-threatening illness it once was.

What if I test positive for HIV?

Firstly, do not worry, we are here to help. Your Better2Know Doctor will refer you to a specialist who will give you advice and support.  We are also supported by the Terrence Higgins Trust who have been providing expert guidance to people newly diagnosed positive for over 30 years. We can arrange for you to speak to an advisor if you would like.