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STI Clinics Chichester

Find a Chichester sexual health clinic near you

The Better2Know sexual health services in Chichester offer you a confidential and anonymous service with appointment times available for when it suits you best. Our clinics have private appointments available five days a week from morning until the evening, with fast test result turnaround times that are available confidentially online when they are ready, 24 hours a day.

Better2Know also offers the Everywhere STI testing service. This enables you to select exactly where you would like our nurse to meet you to collect the samples for the tests you have chosen. This could be at your home, your place of work or another suitable location where you feel most comfortable. You can also arrange the time at which you would like the samples taken.

Find your closest Better2Know STI and STD testing clinic on our map of Chichester, or view more details for each clinic by clicking ‘View Details’ on the list below.

Our clinics in and around Chichester:

Chichester - Broyle Road

78 Broyle Road, Chichester, PO19 6WB

View Details Book Now

Chichester - North Street

13 North Street, PO19 1LB

View Details Book Now

Popular STI tests and screens available in Chichester:

Many other tests and screens are available as part of the Better2Know service and can be viewed when you select your most convenient clinic.

Appointment availability at our Chichester Better2Know clinics

Better2Know's Chichester private GUM clinic is open every weekday including evenings, so you can choose the time that is most convenient for you. There is often availability for same-day or next-day appointment times, too.

Do you need some help with STI testing in Chichester?

You can choose from a wide range of STI tests and screens at our Chichester clinic. These include HIV, Syphilis, Herpes, or Hepatitis A, B or C and many more. We also conduct tests for many bacterial sexually transmitted infections including Gardnerella, Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma. Our sexual health advisors can help you to book the test you need.

Speak to us

Better2Know’s sexual health advisors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help you with arranging your bookings or answering any questions you may have. Speak to us in confidence through our live chat, or by phone.