
Inhalants Allergy Screen

Testing for Allergies:

Alternaria, Aspergillus, Birch pollen, Cat dander, Cladosporum, Common ragweed, Derma farinae, Dog dander, House dust mite, Horse dander, Timothy grass




What is an inhalant allergy?

An inhalant allergy is an allergy to substances that you can breathe in. Examples include pollen, dust mites, mould and skin flakes

Is it common?

Yes, around 25% of the British population has an inhalant allergy.

What are the symptoms?

Typically sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes. Can lead to allergic rhinitis and asthma.

How do I know if I have an allergy?

A simple blood test is all you need. Book yours now.

Did You Know?

Cat allergies are almost twice as common as dog allergies.

What is an inhalant allergy?

‘Inhalants’ is a broad category covering a range of allergens which can be breathed in. Inhalants include:


Hay fever can be triggered by a range of pollens, and it is common for hay fever sufferers to experience peak symptoms at different times of year, depending on their particular pollen allergy. Someone with an allergy to birch pollen, for example, is likely to experience hay fever in early spring. An allergy to grass pollens is likely to be most severe during high summer.

Dust and dust mites

You may not like to think about it, but when you allow dust to collect, what is actually coating your shelves, carpets or bed mattress is a combination of skin (human and animal), soil, food matter, insects and fibres. It is the perfect breeding ground for dust mites (which feed on the dust) and their droppings can trigger allergic reactions.

Pet dander

It is easy to assume that, if you suffer a pet allergy, the reaction is triggered by hair. In fact, what your body is actually reacting to is the protein in your pet’s skin flakes (dander). So, whilst it is common to hear someone say that they are allergic to, for example, long haired cats, if you are allergic to cat dander, then any cat has the potential to trigger a reaction.


Mould thrives in damp or humid conditions, which is why you will frequently notice it growing on bathroom sealant, or behind (or over) wallpaper on damp walls. Mould spreads by shedding tiny spores, and these can trigger an allergic reaction.

What are the symptoms of an inhalant allergy?

Inhalant allergies typically cause watery eyes, sneezing and runny noses. Mould and dust allergies in particular can trigger allergic rhinitis and asthma.

How do I get tested?

Better2Know offers a simple blood test designed to test for a range of inhalants, including:

  • Alternaria
  • Aspergillus
  • Birch pollen
  • Cat dander
  • Cladosporum
  • Common ragweed
  • Derma farinae
  • Dog dander
  • House dust mite
  • Horse dander
  • Timothy grass

To book your test contact Better2Know now on the number above.